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House Curious

Lifestyle and interior shop. Social workshops for the creatively curious.

Filtering by Tag: new year

Sommer Pyne

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a blast celebrating the New Year in. Mine was very low key this year due to a growing bump that seems to be sucking the life out of me. I love this time of the year though because it feels like we have a fresh start and a new surge of energy. I have a lot of exciting plans that I'm working on for 2017, which I will be sharing with you soon. I want to shift gears and put my all into House Curious this year, although I'm already finding it a little challenging. I had plans to go on a big buying trip towards the end of Jan to Paris but my husband has convinced me it may not be the best idea given how heavily pregnant I am. I just keep on pushing and pushing myself but I'm realising that I'm not superwoman and I need to start listening to my body and slow it down a little.  

I’m feeling very reflective and it’s only now that I’ve stopped I can appreciate all that we have achieved this past year. This time last year my house was a building site and House Curious was still an idea with a logo and a holding page. Fast forward to now and we have put on some magical workshops, like our wellness day Shine Bright, the Candle and Calligraphy workshop and The Ultimate Dinner Party Menu to name a few. I’ve worked and partnered up with so many amazing and talented people and feel grateful for all the new friendships I’ve made.

It’s crazy to think that we only did our press launch last May and first workshop with Anna Barnett in June. Since then we have not stopped and I was fortunate to have my business and house featured in a few magazines. Between renovations, launching House Curious and running after my toddler we managed to do a soft launch of the House Curious interior and lifestyle shop a few months back. Why am I telling you this? It’s not to show off or brag... my business is a far from perfect and I still have a very long way to go but I’m proud of this little venture of mine and it’s good to acknowledge the wins. I know so many people that have little ideas and dreams bubbling away and to get your idea off the ground can feel scary and overwhelming. I know because I’ve been there. But I’ve learnt that you‘ve just got to throw caution to the wind and just go for it. Even taking the littlest steps, like chatting to a mentor or doing some market research can get the ball rolling. I encourage everyone out there to do more of the things you love this year and do all the things that you’ve been talking about, no matter how big or scary they feel. When you do the things you love you instantly feel alive and this energy is infectious with others around you.

There is no way that I could have imagined doing all the things I’ve done this past year. I would have said it’s going to be too hard and impossible but being focused and determined has led me to this point. As much as this year has been exhilarating and I've loved connecting with so many wonderful people I have to say that it’s been physically and emotionally exhausting at times. I’ve questioned whether I was doing the right thing, doubted every decision I’ve made and at times wanted to give up. I’ve worked liked a dog, had less time with my family (the opposite to my ideal) and I constantly feel like I’m on the back foot. Anxiety, stress and tears have all been part of this journey. But to get to the good stuff it was never going to be easy. You’ve got to work hard for the things you desire and never ever give up. That’s why this year I am going to be more fierce and determined than ever and little will hold me back, except a demanding milk leech who'll be making an appearance soon we hope. I’m telling you this because I think from the outside it can look all rosy and perfect but that is rarely the truth. We’re all human and we all struggle. And most of the time we keep our struggles to ourselves and we project the good stuff. So no matter how tough it gets remember most of us are struggling too.

So what's instore for next year? We’ve got two more workshops in Feb, which have sold out and then we’re going to be taking a little break on the workshop front until later in the year. My focus this year with be on the lifestyle and interior shop. We’re going to be launching House Curious in a bigger and bold way and I hope you will all come to the launch. We have some new partnerships in the offing and one that I’m most excited about is Blacklist. Blacklist is a design studio in Sydney who produce a range of very cool art, stationary and paper goods. And even better, all available at House Curious from mid Jan. To coincide with the launch of the House Curious shop we’re going to be doing some pop up shops in the Spring. I’m hoping to blog more about my interior style and share my little black book with you; I’m all about sharing my interior finds. Oh and let's not forget I need to pop a bubba out early March, a minor detail! It’s going to be a crazy ride but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve learnt a lot in the past year so I thought now would be the perfect time to share some of my learnings with you...

It’s ok to pause for a minute

Let’s face it there are going to be days when you feel shitty and things aren’t flowing so well. You know the kind of days where you have a million and one things to do but you’re exhausted, feel uncreative and then doubt starts to creep in. 'I’m not cut out for this. I’m going to fail' etc. We keep plugging away because we must prove that we are super human but actually we’re better off stopping and taking some time out. Refocus, do less, prioritise and if it's all too much scale it back until it's more manageable. Trust me you’ll be much better for it in the long run and the last thing you want to do is burn out too quickly and not achieve anything. 

Aim high but focus on one thing

I'm a big believer in setting goals that feel out of my reach, scary and bigger than my capabilities. Why not go after the big prize? Set your goals and dreams high and don't settle for anything less. If the bar is raised high then you are more likely to push yourself harder and I bet you will be surprised at what you're capable of.  The trick though is to drop everything else and focus on one thing and you'll more likely succeed. Most people don't fail because of their potential. They fail because their potential is spread too thin and in too many directions. Don't be too disheartened if it takes longer than you imagine. Take stock, acknowledge the wins, re focus and keep hustling until you're there.  

Vocalising your dreams and goals works

When I say vocalise I mean getting your ideas down on paper. Blog about it, share with friends, or on social media, basically to anyone that will listen! The more you talk about it the more accountable you will feel to action those dreams. The reactions you get from people will also help mould and form your ideas so it's a win win situation. Start with "My dream is..". or "I'm going to....." This is the first step to making your dream a reality. The catch?  You'll need to follow this up with a plan of action because only you can make your dreams a reality. 

Support and celebrate your friends achievements

On this journey I’ve had some amazing support, which has been instrumental to my stamina to keep going no matter how hard it’s been. Be there for your friends when they're going to great lengths to follow their dreams. Support them, share their work, celebrate their achievements. It takes bravery, blood, sweat and tears to go after your desires and sometimes a friendly email from someone close telling them 'you're doing great' can give that extra push to keep chasing their dream. Personally I love seeing my friends succeed and I love celebrating and supporting their wins.  Celebrating their success actually gives me the motivation to keep striving. We have so much to learn from each other and we are much stronger when we’re together, supporting each other. So come on let's make 2017 about supporting and encouraging each other.

Don’t forget to have fun

Note to self: loosen the F*&K up! Excuse my French but this is a big one for me because it's very easy to get bogged done by the stress and challenges of the daily grind. Starting a business has been so much harder than I expected and at times it hasn't been much fun. Make sure you leave some time for having fun, relationships and adventures. If it's all work and no play you'll be less creative and productive. So here's to having fun and living our lives to the fullest.

I would love to hear how you are starting the New Year and what you have learnt over the last year.  Please share with us by commenting below.

Love Sommer x